Pokémon GO is that one Pokémon game users could play with one hand and who else watched Pokémon on TV and saw Ash acquire new Pokémon and companions? Well, I was recommended to play this by a friend and just started playing Pokémon GO and it has a unique touch to it. Not because it was released for the smartphone. It’s because during the gameplay, it feels as if we’re in the Kanto Region or whichever, just walking around to different places and seeing different Pokémon is what’s fascinating.

I know I’m quite late on this but it doesn’t matter anyway. I played Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Sun and caught tons of Pokémon. Like all Pokémon games, it usually begins with all the intros and cutscenes. The scenes with the Professor introducing himself aren’t as interactive in GO. Not to mention the music, soundtracks and sound effects are quite different, but sounds quite familiar to me.
When it comes to starter Pokémon, I don’t really know about this one. Once you enter, you will see a Squirtle, Charmander and a Bulbasaur. Tap on one, catch it and there’s your starter I guess. Soon, Pokémon will start appearing all over the place, depending on where you are.
The first Pokémon you catch is your partner and it’ll follow you. Make sure to feed it often or it stops following you. Mine is a Squirtle.

Apart from all that, Pokémon GO does promote exercise. How, you may ask? Walking is considered an exercise so by walking to different places, you’re able to get a decent amount of exercise. The only downside about this is that you’ll have to go over your phone plan as you’ll need a good amount of data for this.
Since I don’t have too much data, I plan to catch Pokémon in places where I know I’ll automatically be connected to the WiFi Network. Big places should work well such as the mall because, you know what I mean. I don’t have a lot of Pokémon on this game, but at least I’m starting to come around catching them. If I had a lot of data, I’d probably participate in the Raid Battles and going to PokéStops. Due to this, the only plan I have for playing Pokémon GO is to just catch as many Pokémon as possible. I’m not too sure if you can “release” Pokémon like you can in the other games. I’ve tried looking, but can’t quite seem to find the option. By the way, I’ll show you the Pokémon I’ve caught so far.

When you spot a Pokémon, it’ll appear at a close spot. You simply tap on it and it will allow you to catch it.

I also mentioned the Raid Battles. There are these trainer gyms which you can only access at Level 5. Once you do, you’ll have to choose between three teams. Team Instinct, Team Mystic and Team Valor. Each of them are represented with the Legendary Pokémon of the Kanto Region and their corresponding colours. I’m not revealing the team I picked. In addition, the Professor will give you some tasks to complete for some rewards.
That’s all I will cover in this article. If you didn’t read my last article, go check it out at my profile @TheRetroPhilosopher. I will see you soon.